

I was feeling unhappy seeing dark pigment above lip and on cheekbone after vacationing. MY skin was breaking out, itchy and a mess. After a professional PCA facial by Joy and using reccomended at home product for 4 weeks my skin was calm,pigment evened out and I was less distracted when I looked in the mirror. Thanks for making me feel good again about my skin.



Being a client of Joy's has made me realize I can be happy with my skin. I went from being red ,dry,and itchy all the time to calm and hydrated. She realy listened to how I felt she looked and she treated me with great care and explained home care to maintain my skins healthy balance.


 Joy's Facials are great! 



Joy has helped get me ready for the summer! I did the Lipomassage and got great results! 6 Sessions and I am going back for more, it helped kick start my weight loss and so far I'm down 14 lbs and no longer see the cellulite that was once there, it of course is not gone 100% but after a few more sessions I'm confident it will be I also purchased the creme and body scrub which smells and feels great and definilty has helped with the firming of my skin. I'm going to be 50 this August and am proud now of how I look! Thanks Joy your the best!

Lori T.



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